The most common nutritional deficiency in the world is an iron deficiency, but this condition often goes untreated because the symptoms are not fully understood. Although some people are at a higher risk of developing an iron deficiency than others, everyone’s body needs iron to produce hemoglobin, an important protein that enables red blood cells to distribute oxygen throughout the body.
Determining whether there is an iron deficiency is as simple as talking with a doctor and requesting a blood test to check iron levels. When left untreated, this nutrient deficiency can really impact daily life. An iron deficiency supplement, like Fergon, can help alleviate the symptoms of this nutrient deficiency and bring iron stores back to a healthy level.
These are 10 of the most common symptoms of iron deficiencies.
1. Fatigue
The most common symptom of an iron deficiency is fatigue, which is a condition of extreme tiredness that occurs when there are not enough red blood cells to transport oxygen to organs, muscles, and tissues. Consult a doctor for a blood test if you are getting enough sleep but still feeling lethargic or tired.
2. Shortness of Breath
This is another common symptom among adults that are iron deficient, and is especially problematic among active adults and athletes who work out regularly. Shortness of breath can get in the way of doing the things you love every day.
3. Dizziness
Many people who lack iron in their diets become dizzy very easily, which can be quite dangerous and unsettling. People who are dizzy are more prone to slips and falls, which can result in broken bones and sprained muscles.
4. Difficulty Maintaining Body Temperature
People who are iron deficient can have difficulty maintaining their body temperature and often complain of feeling cold. The coldest parts of the body are often the extremities, such as the hands, feet, fingers, and toes.
5. Headaches
Headaches are common among people who are iron deficient as well and really stand in the way of normal activities throughout the day. Not getting enough iron in your diet means that you may not be getting enough oxygen to your brain, causing the pressure and pain of a headache.
6. Pale Skin
The condition of pale skin among people with iron deficiencies goes beyond simply staying out of the sun to avoid burns. Hemoglobin helps give skin its natural color, so your skin color may become lighter when you aren’t getting enough iron to produce hemoglobin.
7. Brittle Hair and Nails
If left untreated for a significant amount of time, an iron deficiency can result in brittle hair and nails, as well as hair loss over time. Hair and nail follicles need oxygen too, and when they aren’t getting it, they may become fragile and break.
8. Poor Appetite
Poor appetite is a symptom of iron deficiency that is especially common among children. If children are not eating well at meals, it could mean more than just being a picky eater. Talk to your pediatrician about the possibility of an iron deficiency if this occurs.
9. Slowed Growth and Development
Children that have a prolonged and untreated iron deficiency may not grow and develop as quickly as they normally should. Stunted growth can have a profound impact upon children who aren’t getting proper nutrition while developing.
10. Sore Mouth and Tongue
There are many reasons that you may experience a sore mouth and tongue, but one of those reasons is an iron deficiency. When you don’t have enough iron in your body, oxygen can’t get to your muscles, and the tongue is the most visible muscle we have. Cracks on the side of your mouth could also be a sign of an iron deficiency.
If you are experiencing some or all of these symptoms, you might be suffering from an iron deficiency. Schedule an appointment with your doctor for a simple blood test and ask how a Fergon® Iron Deficiency Supplement may help.